Our hearts are in LA- Select the Eaton Fire Relief and Recovery Fund of the Pasadena Community Foundation at checkout!

Nonprofit News- Save The Bay

Hello everyone!

You know Save the Bay as the leading environmental nonprofit in Rhode Island, and from my previous post. They are one of our nonprofit partners at Second Serve, and we try to help them by urging people to select Save the Bay at checkout so that can receive 85% of the proceeds of a purchase. 

We also help our nonprofit partners by alerting our Second Serve community to special events that are going on, so that our local friends can show up and support these good causes. 

Save the Bay Shoreline Clean-Ups

This spring Save the Bay is doing a series of clean-up across the beaches and shores of Rhode Island. They have some on the weekends, and on weekdays all through the state so there is bound to be something near you. Check out dates and times near you here.

I will be going to the Field's Point shoreline clean-up on April 2, if you would like to join me. Field's Point is in Providence at Save the Bay headquarters. You have to register and you can do that here.

This is one small way that you can help keep the shore-the shore we use and enjoy all summer and then some- beautiful. 

This is a picture of the swirly cove next to Matunuck Oyster Bar. Yum!
Seal Tours!

Another event to consider is seal tour in Newport. This looks great and there are a few dates in March and more in April to take a tour on Narragansett Bay to observe seal life. Find out about it here. They have trips all through public school spring break. 

Save the Bay Swim

Finally, you should give some thought to the Save the Bay swim, which is an amazing event that takes place on August 6. I'm telling you now because you have to get into shape. The swim is from the Newport Navy Base in Newport to Potter's Cove in Jamestown. You can do it!

Registration starts April 11. Find out about it here.

There are more events and opportunities at Save the Bay and I encourage you to check them out. We all benefit from this organization in our state and they offer fun ways for us to give back.

Select Save the Bay at Check-out!

Of course, you can always select them as a nonprofit beneficiary when you purchase something at Second Serve. I think you should volunteer at Save the Bay AND select them as your cause on Second Serve. How about that?

Hey a little nudging goes a long way! 




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