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Pop-Up at Pond View!

We are having our first major pop-up store Friday, February 11, 2022 at Pond View Tennis and Racquet Club in Westerly, RI. It is a wonderful family owned business, and Susan and I play there quite a bit. Owners Sage and Mike suggested that we use their space, and we could not be happier to do so. 

We had a mini pop-up last summer, but this pop-up is much larger. It involves renting a truck and carting our industrial racks to Pond View. There will be more inventory, including  new inventory that is not currently on the site. We will be in the lobby of Pond View all day long, and we invite you to stop by any time. If you are interested in a glass of wine while you shop (and who isn’t?) then please come by between  6 and 8 p.m. What better way to spend a Friday night? 

It is a delight to have this party at Pond View, and very appropriate for Second Serve. The three of us are gaga for tennis (Patti loves to watch). And of course our name reflects tennis (in addition to second-hand and service). Our “favorites” collection is called “Top Seeds,” and this blog is called “The Service Line”. 

Susan and I met on the tennis court. Around our fortieth birthdays, we both decided to pick up tennis, and we separately had lessons with the great Phil Shanley at the Weekapaug Tennis Club (Sage, of Pond View, is Phil’s daughter!). Phil encouraged us to try a clinic, and although we were both scared—there are other people in a clinic, so they see you play—we both took the plunge and showed up for the B clinic. That’s where we met, and from there we became fast friends. 

I have learned so much from tennis, and the biggest lesson is that you can improve if you practice, no matter when you pick up the sport. This may be obvious to you, but it was not to me (I remember being too scared to try lacrosse in ninth grade because all the girls had played in middle school, and I had not!). I’m glad I showed up at the Killer B clinic, which we affectionately called it and is so named to this day. I thank Phil Shanley for encouraging me to do that.

So I encourage you to pick up a racquet and try some tennis. And if you are in southern Rhode Island or northern Connecticut, come play at Pond View, a warm family business with excellent coaching, leagues, and clinics. Susan and I call it “our happy place.”

If you want to check out their facilities, I know a great day to go. How about when we have the pop-up?!  Perfect.

See you Friday February 11, all day, with drinks from 6 to 8 p.m. 

Thank you Pond View!


  • Galen McGovern

    Great job ladies! Galen McGovern

  • Sarah s

    I am so happy to support tennis buddies and share my well loved garments with others for a great cause! Second serve is a second chance for all involved!

  • Hilda Miller

    Looking forward to this event, especially the wine hour! :-)

  • Mike Plunkett
    Hi my name is Mike Plunkett and I played Pond Veiw my wife has several clothing that she could donate I understand that this event is for selling Closing but can I bring clothing so I can donate them

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