October 26, 2023 A Stitch in Time Clothing enriches our lives. Even a bat costume. Continue reading Tags: #85tocharity #allthereasonstoshopresale #batcostumes #cancersucks #circulareconomy #consciousstyle #familyheirlooms #fashionforgood #halloween #J.Crew #missingmymom #recycle #redone #resale #resalecansavetheworld #secondserveresale #sewing #slowfashion #stitch #stopfastfashion #sustainability #sustainablefashion #thrift #tomorrowfund #vintage #visiblemending #wearandrepair
April 29, 2022 Prom, Mom, Peloton Music and peloton take me back to my prom, my mom, and quite possible the start of Second Serve. Continue reading Tags: #allthereasonstoshopresale #missingmymom #mymixedtape #promnight #ridepeloton #totally80's
December 24, 2021 Second Serve's Holiday Hug Pants and punchbowls for me. What is it for you? Continue reading Tags: #hug #missingmymom #pendleton #plaid #secondserveresale